Really, look at the opportunities these people have carved out for themselves to empower their people, to enable their people to become independent and self-sustaining. One of the first ways they look at is home ownership, by building that infrastructure and making it possible for people to own their own homes (1200) This year, as of September 30, going back to the community of Brooks, Alberta, 153 households became proud homeowners thanks again to the mortgage insurance funds.
L'un des premiers outils qu'ils se donnent est la propriété; ils construisent l'infrastructure et offrent aux gens la possibilité de devenir propriétaires de leurs propres maisons (1200) Pour revenir à Brooks en Alberta, au 30 septembre, les données montraient que 153 familles étaient devenues de fiers propriétaires au cours de l'année 1995, grâce à l'assurance hypothécaire.