On the education front, the first of these programmes is Socrates, which covers secondary and higher education and enables 170 000 young people each year to study in a different country; then there is Lingua, which supports language-learning projects for more than 80 000 young people; and finally Leonardo da Vinci, which fosters vocational training and apprenticeship schemes, with some 50 000 beneficiaries.
En matière éducative, il s'agit de Socrates, qui couvre l'enseignement secondaire et supérieur et permet la mobilité de 170.000 étudiants par an ; de Lingua, qui appuie des projets d'apprentissage des langues auxquels plus de 80.000 jeunes participent; de Leonardo da Vinci, qui soutient la formation professionnelle et l'apprentissage, avec 50.000 bénéficiaires.