27. Recommends that, in addition to the permanent abandonment scheme, temporary grubbing-up could be introduced with each Member State deciding whether it would be convenient to introduce it; considers that temporary grubbing-up would allow the wine grower to receive some financ
ial support, as the planting rights would be consolidated for several y
ears, at the end of which the wine grower could replant, dispose of his planting
rights or apply for conversion to permanent grubbing-up if the sch
...[+++]eme is opened by the Member State; points out that such a measure would make possible a temporary reduction in the quantities marketed, without irreversibly cutting production potential; considers that such a measure would allow wine growers to focus on quality in the conversion of their vineyards and practices (fallow land, choice of varieties, reduction of inputs, organic production, etc);
27. recommande que, indépendamment du régime d'abandon définitif, l'arrachage temporaire puisse être introduit et que la faculté soit laissée à chaque État membre de choisir sa mise en œuvre; considère que l'arrachage temporaire permettrait d'accorder un soutien financier au viticulteur, le droit de plantation restant gelé pendant plusieurs années, à l'issue desquelles le viticulteur pourrait replanter, céder son droit de plantation ou solliciter la transformation en arrachage définitif si le régime est prévu par l'État membre concerné;