The Hon. the Speaker: Honourable senators, before moving on, I should like to draw your attention to the presence in our gallery of a number of people: Captain Ulf Snarby from Liverpool, Nova Scotia, recipient of the Atlantic Award for Responsible Fishing, and Mrs. Barbara Snarby; Mr. John Carriere from Cumberland House, Saskatchewan, recipient of the Freshwater Award for Responsible Fishing, and Mrs. Freda Carriere; Mr. Timothy Richards from Heriot Bay, British Columbia, recipient of the Pacific Award for Responsible Fishing, and Mrs. Linda Richards; and Capta
in Rick Misner from Port Dover, Ontario, Cha ...[+++]ir of the Canadian Responsible Fisheries Board.Son Honneur le Président: Honorables sénateurs, avant de poursuivre, je voudrais signaler la présence à notre tribune d'un certain nombre de personnes: Le capitaine Ulf Snarby, de Liverpool, en Nouvelle-Écosse,
lauréat du Atlantic Award for Responsible Fishing, et Mme Barbara Snarby; M. John Carriere, de Cumberland House, en Saskatchewan, lauréat du Freshwater Award for Responsible Fishing, et Mme Freda Carriere; M. Timothy Richards, de Heriot Bay, en Colombie-Britannique, lauréat du Pacific Award for Responsible Fishing, et Mme Linda Richards; le capita
ine Rich Misner, de Port ...[+++] Dover, en Ontario, président du Conseil canadien des pratiques de pêche responsable.