The second Decision agreed today relate
s to an outbreak or suspected outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influen
za H5N1 in domestic poultry. The EU Directive on Avian Influenza sets out the main measures to be taken, including the establishment of a 3 km protection zone and a 10 km surveillance zone around the outbr
eak, the culling of infected birds on the holding and of birds on neighbouring holdings suspected of infection, the co
...[+++]nfinement of poultry indoors, among others.
La directive communautaire sur la grippe aviaire arrête les principales mesures à prendre, telles que la délimitation d’une zone de protection de 3 km et d’une zone de surveillance de 10 km autour du foyer, l’abattage des oiseaux infectés et le confinement des volailles à l’intérieur.