5. Proposes that a first and immediate step should be to assign to the European Defence Agency the responsibility to develop a Code of Conduct for EDEM, in those areas covered by the Art 296 exemption, and to supervise its
implementation with rights to check the Member States' performance against the Code and to report on this; feels that the Code o
f Conduct, since it would not be legally binding, could lay down standards that wou
...[+++]ld be difficult to achieve in a directive and impossible to achieve under an interpretation of the existing legal framework; believes that one of the aims of the Code of Conduct should be to open reciprocity between the US and the EU in the framework of EDEM;
4. se pose des questions sur ce qu'il est possible de réaliser au moyen d'une communication interprétative, celle-ci ne clarifiant que le cadre juridique actuel, sans aborder les modifications fondamentales qui s'imposent; se félicite de l'idée d'une nouvelle directive mais attire l'attention sur les problèmes à résoudre en ce qui concerne les entreprises publiques et la participation de l'État ainsi que les autres distorsions du marché, à l'effet de garantir une concurrence loyale et fait observer qu'une telle directive devrait limiter au strict nécessaire l'application de l'article 296;