SAO TOME e PRINCIPE, EQUATORIAL Development of Trade links GUINEA, GABON, CAMEROON Regional Project 5th EDF 562 000 ECU Grant The project involves the supply of technical assistance for a maximum of three years to ensure the economic operation of the "Pague" which has been provided by the Community and which was designed to provide regular shipping links between Sao Tome e Principe, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and Gabon.
SAO TOME et PRINCIPE, GUINEE Developpement des liens EQUATORIALE, GAGON, CAMEROUN commerciaux Projet regional 5eme FED 562.000 Ecus Aide non remboursable Le projet comporte la fourniture d'une assistance technique pendant une periode maximale de trois ans, pour assurer l'exploitation du "Pague" qui a ete fourni par la Communaute et qui a ete concupour assurer des liaisons maritimes regulieres entre Sao Tome-et-Principe, la Guinee equatoriale, le Cameroun et le Gabon.