I will not even get into their travel, their offices and everything else. Not only that, many of them participate in our elections, which in and of itself should not be a problem except they are the ones who want to stick label on themselves and say that they are independent, that they do not have anything to do with dirty partisanship, that this is why the need to maintain that house so they can have that sober, independence, once removed from the partisan antics of the House review.
De plus, nombre d'entre eux participent à nos campagnes électorales, ce qui n'est pas un problème en soi, sauf que ce sont eux qui se targuent d'être indépendants et de n'avoir rien à faire de la basse partisanerie, qui disent que le Sénat doit survivre et continuer d'être la Chambre du second examen objectif et indépendant, à l'abri de la partisanerie de la Chambre des communes.