204.3 (1) Where a person has been convicted of an offence under this Act and any other person has suffered loss or damage because of the commission of the offence, the court may, at the time sentence is imposed, order the person who has been convicted to pay to the person who has suffered loss or damage or to the trustee of the bankrupt an amount by way of satisfaction or compensation for loss of or damage to property suffered by that person as a result of the commission of the offence.
204.3 (1) Lorsqu’une personne a été reconnue coupable d’une infraction à la présente loi et qu’une personne subit un préjudice ou une perte de ce fait, le tribunal peut, lors de l’infliction de la peine, condamner le coupable à payer un montant compensatoire à la personne lésée ou au syndic.