Our witnesses came from many sectors of Quebec society, representing many different interests and bringing many issues to our attention. In the time allowed me to spea
k this afternoon, I cannot list all of these witnesses or all of their arguments, but I can tell you that they included: experts in constitutional law; exp
erts in education; Protestant francophone parents, educators and school administrators; Protestant anglophon
e parents, educators an
...[+++]d school administrators; Roman Catholic francophone parents, educators and school administrators; Roman Catholic anglophone parents, educators and school administrators; witnesses who voiced opinions that were expressly neither Roman Catholic nor Protestant; witnesses organized on some basis other than religious faith; the federal Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, the Quebec Ministers for Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs and Education; and Quebec's official opposition critics.des admi
nistrateurs d'école protestants anglophones, des parents, enseignants et des administrateurs d'école catholique
s francophones, des parents, enseignants et administrateurs d'école catholiques anglophones, des témoins dont les opinions n'étaient expressément ni catholiques ni protestantes, enfin, des témoins regroupés selon les paramètres autres que la foi religieuse, le ministre fédéral des Affaires intergouvernementales, les ministres québécois des Affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes et de l'Éducation et les porte-parol
...[+++]e de l'opposition officielle de l'assemblée législative.