They will have to pay once for departing from an input taxation system, and they will then have to take a decrease in tax revenue on board at a later date. At the same time, they will have to help foot the bill for any unsatisfactory products they have helped to promote which do not prevent poverty in old age, and they might even have to pay a third time because, in addition, they will have to finance pove
rty in old age from public coffers. These Finance Ministers may then have to pay yet again because they will have to resign their posts, as punishment for their foolish acti
...[+++]ons.Ils devraient payer une première fois en renonçant à l'imposition anticipée tout en assumant simultanément les moindres recettes fiscales et le soutien probable aux produits moins performants, voire une troisième fois pour financer les caisses publiques de retraite destinées aux pauvres. Pour couronner le tout, ces ministres des Finances seraient peut-être même contraints d’abandonner leur travail pour avoir suivi cette procédure insensée.