, the Speaker shall interrupt any proceedings then before the House, and the House shallproceed to the taking of any division or divisions necessary to dispose of the opposition motion deferred pursuant to paragraph (b) of this Standing Order, and the Speaker shall then put forthwith and successively, without further debate
or amendment, every question necessary to dispose of the motion or motions to
concur in the Main Estimates, and forthwith thereafter put successively, without debate
or amendment, every ...[+++]question necessary to dispose of any business relating to the final estimates for the preceding fiscal year or for any supplementary estimates, the restoration or reinstatement of any item in the final or supplementary estimates or any opposed item in the final or supplementary estimates and, notwithstanding Standing Order 71, for the passage at all stages of any bill or bills based on the final, main or supplementary estimates; and
Il met ensuite aux voix sur-le-champ et successivement, sans débat ni amendement, toute question nécessaire à l’expédition de toute affaire relative aux prévisions budgétaires finales de l’année financière précédente ou à tout budget supplémentaire, au rétablissement de tout poste du budget final, principal ou supplémentaire auquel on s’oppose et, nonobstant l’article 71 du Règlement, à l’adoption de toutes les étapes de tout projet de loi se rattachant au budget final, principal ou supplémentaire; et