So as Mr.
Legault said, with advertising declining as a secondary source of funding, we thought it was at least logic
al that part of the fees paid to DHT and cable providers should be remitted to CBC/Radio-Canada, because the value
of CBC/Radio-Canada raises the value of the bundle offered by Vidéotron, Cogeco and Bell ExpressVu. It was said that part of that money should go back to CBC/Radio-Canada, of course, but provided part of
...[+++] that new fee was required to be put back into priority programs and especially into dramas in order the make the wheels go round.
On disait qu'une partie de cet argent devrait revenir, bien sûr, à Radio-Canada, mais à la condition qu'une partie de cette nouvelle redevance soit obligatoirement remise dans les émissions prioritaires et spécialement dans les dramatiques, afin que la roue tourne.