As much as you could say that the system could become bloated and inefficient and, certainly it is a concern that that could happen I would also argue that, where you currently have a tax administration in a major province that in some degrees is not working well and the federal model is actually a lot better, then, perhaps, that province would benefit from being part of an agency where the attitude is, perhaps, more oriented toward compliance rather than enforcement that is, the carrot rather than the stick.
Même si le système peut devenir lourd et inefficace et il y a certainement à craindre que cela se produise , je rétorquerai que si une province importante a une administration fiscale qui, jusqu'à un certain point, est boiteuse et que le modèle fédéral lui est de beaucoup supérieur, cette dernière a intérêt à adhérer à un organisme davantage axé sur l'observance que sur l'exécution. Autrement dit, un organisme qui préfère brandir la carotte plutôt que le bâton.