However, section 21 of the Standing Orders of this democratic institution provides that no member is entitled to vote upon any question in which he or she has a pecuniary interest, and the vote of any member so interested will be disallowed (1425) If I am reminding this House of this basic rule of conduct governing the conduct of Canadian parliamentarians, it is because the events of the past few years, in particular those involving the conduct of this government, have ra
ised serious doubts about the Liberal government's political will to establish a code of
conduct which would really ...[+++] bring total transparency to the management of public affairs.
Et le Parti libéral du Canada se permet de parler d'éthique parlementaire; c'est une honte pour la démocratie et l'institution parlementaire canadienne. Cela dit, dans un autre ordre d'idées, j'aimerais aborder un autre aspect de la question du code d'éthique parlementaire, celui du conflit d'intérêts.