(9) It is essential to find non-discriminatory solutions to reconcile the obligations deriving from the Treaty (including Articles 6, 51(1) and 71), for instance as regards free movement of services and goods and protection of the environment and the local population, and from other international conventions and treaties such as the Alpine Convention and in particular the Transport Protocol thereto – which the European Union needs to ratify as a matter of urgency – and the Kyoto Agreement.
(9) Il est impératif de trouver des solutions non-discriminatoires conciliant les obligations découlant du traité (article 6, article 51, paragraphe 1, et article 71), comme la liberté de circulation des services et des marchandises, la protection de l'environnement et la population locale, avec les obligations découlant d'autres conventions et traités internationaux, comme la Convention alpine et notamment son protocole transport - dont la ratification de la part de l'Union européenne devient urgente - ainsi que le traité de Kyoto.