In Turkey, EIB has contributed todate with more than EUR 2 billion towards projects of key importance for the Turkish economy. In the last years EIB finance went mainly
for the earthquake reconstruction efforts. Additionally EIB funds have financed mainly projects in the environment sector. Among the projects financed in Turkey are: the wastewater and effluent treatment systems in Adana, Diyarbakir, Izmit and Tarsus; t
he desulphurisation equipment at the Yeniköy power station on the Aegean coast, the construction of more environment
-friendly ...[+++]power and heating plants, as well as, the Silivri Underground Gas Storage, which is a nationwide project to help improve the supply of natural gas.
Parmi les projets financés en Turquie figurent notamment les réseaux de collecte et de traitement des eaux usées d'Adana, de Diyarbakir, d'Izmit et de Tarsus, le dispositif de désulfuration de la centrale électrique de Yeniköy sur le littoral de la mer Égée, la construction de centrales de production d'électricité et de chaleur plus respectueuses de l'environnement ainsi que les installations souterraines de stockage de gaz de Silivri (projet d'envergure nationale destiné à améliorer l'approvisionnement en gaz naturel).