If airports were transferred to local corporations, there is a risk that the federal government could change its legislation, regulations and standards, which would result in a reduction in the profitability of airports (1045) On the other hand, if airports end up closing, the federal government will wash its hands of it, saying “We are not to blame for the Baie-Comeau closing, as for the one of Saint-Irénée, in Charlevoix”.
On assisterait alors à une baisse de rentabilité au plan des aéroports (1045) Par contre, si les aéroports ferment un jour, le gouvernement fédéral s'en lavera les mains. Il dira: «Ce n'est pas nous qui portons l'odieux de fermer l'aéroport de Baie-Comeau, comme celui de Saint-Irénée dans Charlevoix».