. Where any regulation-making authority or other authority responsible for the issue, making or establishment of a statutory instrument, or any person acting on behalf of such an
authority, is uncertain as to whether a proposed s
tatutory instrument would be a regulation if it were issued, made or established by that
authority, it or he shall cause a copy of the proposed statutory instrument to be forwarded to the Deputy Minister of Justice who shall d
...[+++]etermine whether or not the instrument would be a regulation if it were so issued, made or established.
4. L’autorité réglementante ou toute autre autorité chargée de prendre des textes réglementaires, ou la personne agissant en son nom, pour qui se pose la question de savoir si un projet de texte réglementaire, une fois pris par elle, constituerait un règlement en envoie un exemplaire au sous-ministre de la Justice, auquel il appartient de trancher la question.