' Motion No. 4 That Bill C-54, in Clause 7, be amended by (a) replacing line 4, on page 6 with the following: ``by that person under the judgment,'' (b) replacing line 10, on page 6 with the following: ``judicial and extrajudicial costs, and (iii) any loss or damages suffered by that party by reason of the enforcement of the judgment; and'' (c) replacing line 21, on page 6 with the following: ``which the judgment was awarded,'' (d) replacing line 25, on page 6 with the following: ``judicial and extrajudicial costs, and (iv) such proportion of any loss or damages suffered by that party by reason of the enforcement of the judgment as the Attorney General may specify'.
Motion no 4 Que le projet de loi C-54, à l'article 7, soit modifié a) par substitution, à la ligne 11, page 6, de ce qui suit: «entre avocat et client, (iii) des pertes ou dommages qu'elle a subis en raison de l'application du jugement; » b) par substitution, à la ligne 26, page 6, de ce qui suit: «et client, (iv) de telle partie-que précise le procureur général-des pertes ou dommages qu'elle a subis en raison de l'application du jugement».