[12] Unless otherwise indicated the information in this chapter is drawn from the following: Department of Health, National Service Framework for Mental Health, 1999; Select Committee on Health, Fourth Report: Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
, 2000; McCulloch, Andrew, Matt Muijen and Heather Harper, “New Developments in Mental Health Policy in the United Kingdom” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Vol. 23, No. 3-4, 2000; The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, “Mental Health Policy: the challenges facing the new Government,” July 2001; Department of Health, The Journey to Recovery – The Government’s Vision for Mental
...[+++] Health Care, Nov. 2001; National Institute for Mental Health in England, Cases for Change – Policy Context, 2002; Department of Health, National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England, Sept. 2002; Levenson, Ros, Angela Greatley and Janice Robinson, London’s State of Mind, King’s Fund Mental Health Inquiry, 2003; The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, Money for Mental Health: A review of public spending on mental health care, 2003; Commission for Health Improvement, What CHI has found in mental health trusts (sector report), 2003; Social Exclusion Unit, Mental Health and Social Exclusion, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2004.[12] À moins d’indication contraire, les renseignements contenus dans le présent chapitre proviennent des sources suivantes : ministère de la Santé, National Service Framework for Mental Health, 1999; Select Committee on Health, Fourth Report: Provision of NHS Mental Health Services
, 2000; McCulloch, Andrew, Matt Muijen et Heather Harper, « New Developments in Mental Health Policy in the United Kingdom » International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, vol. 23, n 3-4, 2000; The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, « Mental Health Policy: the challenges facing the new Government, » juillet 2001; ministère de la santé, The Journey to Recove
...[+++]ry – The Government’s Vision for Mental Health Care, novembre 2001; National Institute for Mental health in England, Cases for Change – Policy Context, 2002; ministère de la Santé, National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England, septembre 2002; Levenson, Ros, Angela Greatley et Janice Robinson, London’s State of Mind, King’s Fund Mental Health Inquiry, 2003; The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, Money for Mental Health: A review of public spending on mental health care, 2003; Commission for Health Improvement, What CHI has found in mental health trusts (sector report), 2003; Social Exclusion Unit, Mental Health and Social Exclusion, cabinet du vice-premier ministre, 2004.