Hon. Terry Stratton: Honourable senators, I rise today to speak the names of those 42 soldiers who have been killed in Afghanistan: Blake Neil Williamson; Darcy Scott Tedford; Mark Andrew Wilson; Robert Thomas James Mitchell; Craig Paul Gillam; Josh Klukie; Keith Morley; Shane Keating; Glen Arnold; David Byers; Mark Anthony Graham; Shane Stachnik; William Jonat
han James Cushley; Richard Nolan; Frank Mellish; David Braun, Andrew James Eykelenboom; Scott Jeffrey Walsh; Raymond Arndt; James Bryce Keller; Vaughan Ingram; Kevin Dallaire; Christopher Jonathan Reid; Jason Patrick W
...[+++]arren; Francisco Gomez; Anthony Joseph Boneca; Nichola Goddard; Randy Payne; William Turner; Myles Mansell; Matthew Dinning; Robert Costall; Timothy Wilson; Paul Davis; Braun Scott Woodfield; Jamie Brendan Murphy; Robbie Christopher Beerenfenger; Robert Alan Short; Mark D. Léger; Nathan Smith; Richard A. Green; Ainsworth Dyer.Klukie; Keith Morley; Shane Keating; Glen Arnold; David Byers; Mark Anthony Graham; Shane Stachnik; William Jonat
han James Cushley; Richard Nolan; Frank Mellish; David Braun, Andrew James Eykelenboom; Scott Jeffrey Walsh; Raymond Arndt; James Bryce Keller; Vaughan Ingram; Kevin Dallaire; Christopher Jonathan Reid; Jason Patrick Warren; Francisco Gomez; Anthony Joseph Boneca; Nichola Goddard; Randy Payne; William Turner; Myles Mansell; Matthew Dinning; Robert Costall; Timothy Wilson; Paul Davis; Braun Scott Woodfield; Jamie Brendan Murphy; Robbie Christopher Beerenfen
...[+++]ger; Robert Alan Short; Mark D. Léger; Nathan Smith; Richard A. Green; Ainsworth Dyer.