The total investment planned is ECU 2 103 million (just over LIT 4 000 billion), to which the Community will contribute ECU 967 million (almost LIT 2 000 billion). The breakdown among the Community Structural Funds is as follows: ERDF ECU 415 million 43% EAGGF ECU 333 million 34% ESF ECU 219 million 23% Mr Millan expressed his satisfaction at being able to announce the first programme for the implementation of Community structural policy in the Mezzogiorno. He expected the Italian authorities to redouble their efforts to speed up the presentation and improvement of the operational programmes already submitted in order to avoid the delays which marked the early years of the period 1989-93. The financial resources made available by the Europe
...[+++]an Union had increased very considerably and the Mezzogiorno ought to be able to benefit rapidly from these, so that it could enjoy improved economic conditions with a solid and lasting basis. The details of the programme are as follows: I. The ERDF section includes five sub-programmes 1. Communications The largest investment item is improvement of road SS-125 on the east coast, which is of great importance for the economic and social development of this part of the island and for tourism. The Community will also provide some finance for the light railway systems in Cagliari and Sassari (This sub-programme accounts for 32% of the total cost of the ERDF section).