It has not however removed res
trictions caused by divergences between national provisions as regards prudential regulation of reinsurance. This situat
ion has resulted in significant differences in the level of supervision of reinsurance undertakings in the Community, which create barriers to the pursuit of reinsurance business, such as the obligation for the reinsurance undertaking to pledge assets in order to cover its part of the technical provisions of the direct insurance undertaking, as well as the compliance by reinsurance under
...[+++]takings with different supervisory rules in different Member States in which they conduct business or an indirect supervision of the different aspects of a reinsurance undertaking by the competent authorities of direct insurance undertakings.
En conséquence de cette situation, on observe de forts écarts dans les niveaux de surveillance des entreprises de réassurance de la Communauté, qui voient leur activité entravée par différents obstacles: obligation de gager des actifs pour couvrir la part des provisions techniques cédées par les assureurs, obligation de se conformer à des règles prudentielles variables selon l'État membre où elles opèrent ou sujétion des différents aspects de leur activité à la surveillance indirecte des autorités compétentes des entreprises d'assurance.