If the U.S. understood that abolition were in its interest, or a movement in that direction, it would move much closer to Canada's enlightened position on these issues and lead the world toward adoption of many of those recommendations Senator Roche has put on the table. I would place special emphasis on the importance of standing down U.S. and Russian nuclear forces, taking them off hair-trigger alert, and extending the time needed to launch them from the current period of how long I'll ask the question to fire strategic nuclear forces.
Si les États-Unis acceptaient le fait que l'élimination des armes nucléaires, par exemple, ne pouvait que servir leurs intérêts, ils se rapprocheraient de la position éclairée qu'a adoptée le Canada dans ce dossier et favoriseraient l'adoption, à l'échelle internationale, de bon nombre des recommandations mises de l'avant par le sénateur Roche.