Fresh ties can therefore be expected, or old ones could be strenghtened, between ; - the Commission of the European Communities and the Na- tional Bureau of Standards, under the US Department of Commerce; - CEN/CENELEC, the ECPT and the American National Standards Institute, BELL Communications Research Inc (BELLCORE) and the Exchange Carriers Standards Association (ECSA); - European testing and type-approval laboratories and the Corporations for Open Systems (COS) in the USA.
Ainsi l'on peut s'attendre a ce que des relations soient etablies ou ameliorees entre : - la Commission europeenne et le National Bureau of Standards qui depend du Departement Americain du Commerce; - le CEN/CENELEC, la CEPT et l'American National Standards Institute, la BELL Communications Research Inc (BELLCORE) et la Exchange Carriers Standards Association (ECSA); - les laboratoires europeens d'essai et d'homologation et les Corporations for Open Systems (COS) aux Etats-Unis.