At that time, I had working with me on that team the Honourable Gerry Weiner; the Honourable Sergio Marchi; Mr. Jim Metcalfe, who had 24 years of service with the departments of Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Foreign Affairs; Mr. John Burke, who had 30 years of experience with Immigration; and Mr. Scott Newark, a former prosecutor and a well-known government policy writer.
À ce moment-là, je travaillais au sein d'une équipe composée de l'honorable Gerry Weiner; l'honorable Sergio Marchi, M. Jim Metcalfe, qui a été 24 ans au service de Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada et d'Affaires étrangères et M. John Burke, qui compte plus de 30 ans d'expérience dans le domaine de l'immigration.