The aid will be granted, pursuant to Law No 46/82 on the Special Fund for Applied Research and to Law No 22/87, in the form of a grant set at a maximum of LIT 1 427.3 million (ECU 0.74 million) for Consorzio Lexicon Ricerche and of LIT 3 430.35 million (ECU 1.77 million) for the firm SERV.EDI; these figures correspond to a theoretical maximum intensity of 35% GGE for each aid, calculated on the basis of eligible costs as defined in the Community framework for state aids for research and development.
Les aides seront octroyées, en application de la loi No 46/82 relative au Fonds Spécial pour la Recherche appliquée et de la loi 22/87, sous la forme d'une subvention fixée à un maximum de 1.427,3 millions de lires (0,74 MECU) pour le Consorzio Lexicon Ricerche et de 3.430,35 millions de lires (1,77 MECU) pour l'entreprise SERV.