From entry into force, the agree
ment will secure EU services operators with an unprecedented access to
the Mexican market which will be either equivalent if not superior to that enjoyed by operators from Mexico's other preferential partners, in part
icular, the USA and Canada. For instance, EU banks and insurance companies will now be able establish and operate in Mexico without first having to set up in the US or Canada. All servic
...[+++]es sectors are covered including inter alia financial services, business services, telecommunications, construction, distribution, environment and energy services, tourism and transport services.
Tous les secteurs des services sont couverts, à savoir, entre autres, les services financiers, les services aux entreprises, les télécommunications, la construction, la distribution, les services environnementaux et énergétiques, le tourisme et les services des transports. À moyen terme, l'ALE devrait contribuer à conférer aux opérateurs communautaires une position importante de prestataires de services au Mexique.