The proposal would be that the minister prepare a report yearly rather than every three years;
and if you look at just to respond to the question page 13.1, which is amendment L-1.1, if we just take it in context, that every five
years the minister give an expanded report. The intention of this section, of amendment L-1 on page 13, would be
that “the Minister shall prepare”, and other words, “a report briefly” which is what the pr
...[+++]oposed bill says, “a report briefly” but we're suggesting that every year the minister should report briefly, and that every five years there should be an expanded report that includes the areas addressed within the act at paragraphs 52(1)(a) to 52(1)(d).Je demande le vote sur l'amendement G-2.1 (L'amendement est adopté.) (L'article 7 modifié est adopté.) (Les articles 8 à 10 inclusivement sont adoptés.) (Article 11) Nous avons deux amendements sur l'article 11, un à la page 13 de votre programme et l'autre, à la page 13.1.