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ABS brakes
ABS system
Anti lock brake system
Anti-Lock Brake System
Anti-block braking system
Anti-blocking system
Anti-lock brake system
Anti-lock brakes
Anti-lock braking system
Anti-locking brakes
Antilock brake system
Antilock braking system
Antilocking brake system
Antilocking braking system
Antilocking system
Antiskid device
Antiskid system
Automotive brake technician
Automotive braking systems repair technician
Brakes - Antilock
Braking systems in locomotives
Braking systems in trains
Dynamics of locomotive brakes
Inertia brake system
Inertia braking system
Inertia-operated brake system
Keep braking system in proper condition
Keep control of braking system
Locomotive brake applications
Lorry brake technician
Maintain braking system
Maintain braking systems
Park brake system
Park braking system
Parking brake system
Parking braking system
Sheet braking device
Sheet braking system
Slowing down device
Surge brake system
Surge braking system
Truck brake technician

Traduction de «sheet braking system » (Anglais → Français) :

sheet braking device | sheet braking system | slowing down device

ralentisseur de feuilles | dispositif de ralentissement des feuilles

ABS brakes | ABS system | antilock brake system | Anti-Lock Brake System | Anti-lock braking system | Brakes - Antilock | ABS [Abbr.]

antibloqueur de freinage | dispositif automatique antiblocage ABS | système ABS | système antiblocage | système antiblocage de frein | système antiblocage de freinage | système antiblocage des roues | A.B.S. [Abbr.] | ABS [Abbr.]

keep braking system in proper condition | maintain braking systems | keep control of braking system | maintain braking system

entretenir des systèmes de freinage

park brake system | park braking system | parking brake system | parking braking system

dispositif de freinage de stationnement | système de freinage de stationnement

antilock braking system [ ABS | antilock brake system | antilocking brake system | antilocking braking system | anti-lock braking system | anti-lock brakes | anti-locking brakes | antiskid system | antiskid device ]

système de freinage antiblocage [ ABS | système de freins antiblocage | antiblocage des roues | freins antiblocage | antiblocage de sécurité | système d'antiblocage des roues | système d'antiblocage électronique | dispositif d'antiblocage | antibloqueur ]

braking systems in locomotives | dynamics of locomotive brakes | braking systems in trains | locomotive brake applications

applications de freinage d'une locomotive

surge braking system | inertia braking system | inertia-operated brake system | surge brake system | inertia brake system

système de freinage à inertie | système de freinage par inertie

anti lock brake system | ABS | anti-lock brake system | anti-lock braking system | antilocking braking system | anti-blocking system | antilocking system

système de freinage antiblocage | système d'antiblocage de roue | système antiblocage ABS | dispositif antiblocage | antibloqueur | dispositif de frein antiblocage | freins ABS | ABS

anti-block braking system | anti-blocking system | anti-lock braking system | ABS [Abbr.]

anti-blocage des roues | antibloqueur de freinage | dispositif automatique antiblocage ABS | système anti-blocage | système antiblocage de frein | système antiblocage de freinage | système antiblocage des roues | ABR [Abbr.] | S.A.B. [Abbr.]

automotive braking systems repair technician | lorry brake technician | automotive brake technician | truck brake technician

technicien en système de freinage automobile | technicien en système de freinage automobile/technicienne en système de freinage automobile | technicienne en système de freinage automobile
