143. Considers that EMSA, FRONTEX, the Fisheries Agency and the Environment Agency have various instruments at t
heir disposal which could usefully be combined to provide effective support to a European maritime policy; therefore urges the Commission not only to remove obstacles to cooperation between these agencies, but to formalise such cooperation in order to achieve the following: (1) safety at sea and the protection of the marine environment (including fisheries inspection), protection from terrorism, piracy and criminal acts at sea and illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing; (2) coordinated fisheries inspections and equ
...[+++]al enforcement throughout the EU with equal penalties and sanctions being applied in the courts of Member States (3) strict monitoring of compliance with designated shipping routes and prosecution for illegal discharges from ships; rapid, coordinated response in the event of an accident, deploying the necessary measures as soon as possible, including designating places of refuge and ports for emergency use and combating illegal immigration; reiterates its call, included in the final report of the Temporary Committee on improving safety at sea (MARE), for a European coastguard service to be set up and asks the Commission to come forward with the study on its feasibility as soon as possible; 143. est d
'avis que l'Agence européenne pour la sécurité maritime (EMSA), l'Agence européenne pour la gestion de la coopération opérationnelle aux frontières extérieures (Frontex), l'Agence communautaire de contrôle des pêches (ACCP) et l'Agence européenne pour l'environnement (AEE) disposent de divers instruments dont la combinaison performante pourrait soutenir efficacement une politique maritime européenne; exhorte par conséquent la Commission non seulement à lever rapidement les obstacles à la coopération entre ces agences, mais également à formaliser cette coopération pour garantir les points suivants: 1. sécurité en mer et protect
...[+++]ion de l'environnement marin (y compris la surveillance de la pêche), protection contre le terrorisme, la piraterie, les actes délictueux en mer et les prises de poissons illégales, non réglementées et non signalées (IUU)