We have here, from STATUS Coalition, Amy Casipullai, who is the policy and public education coordinator for the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants; and Francisco Rico-Martinez, a very familiar face here, who is co-director of Faithful Companions of Jesus Refugee Centre; from No One Is Illegal, Macdonald Scott, who is a certified immigration consultant with Carranza Barristers and Solicitors of Toronto; and Kirpa Kaur, an activist.
Représentant la STATUS Coalition, nous avons Amy Casipullai, coordinatrice de la politique et de l'initiation du public pour l'Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants; Francisco Rico-Martinez, visage bien connu ici, qui est le codirecteur du Faithful Companions of Jesus Refugee Centre; représentant No One Is Illegal, nous avons Macdonald Scott, consultant agréé en immigration auprès de Carranza Barristers and Solicitors de Toronto; et Kirpa Kaur, activiste.