Firstly: Commenci
ng at the northeast angle of lot 15 thence south 4°21′ east in the east limit of lot 15, 6756.1 feet more or less to the south limit of lot 15; thence south 79°45′ west in the said south limit of lot 15, 1279.3 feet
more or less to the southwest angle thereof; thence north 4°21′ west in the west limit of lot 15, 6814.9 feet more or less to the northwest angle of the said lot 15; thence north 82°23′ east in the north limit of lot 15, 1274.6 feet more or less to the point of commencement; said parcel containing by a
...[+++]dmeasurement 194.21 acres.
Premièrement : Commençant à l’angle nord-est du lot 15; de là, sud 4°21′ est à la limite orientale du lot 15, approximativement 6,756.1 pieds vers la limite méridionale du lot 15; de là, sud 79°45′ ouest à ladite limite méridionale du lot 15, approximativement 1,279.3 pieds jusqu’à l’angle sud-ouest dudit lot; de là, nord 4°21′ ouest à la limite occidentale du lot 15, approximativement 6,814.9 pieds jusqu’à l’angle nord-ouest dudit lot 15; de là, nord 82°23′ est à la limite septentrionale du lot 15, approximativement 1,274.6 pieds jusqu’au point de départ; ladite parcelle mesurant 194.21 acres.