It is important to note that the principles, which I put on the record earlier, form the framework and the basis but this code of conduct lays out specific rules because it is within the Standing Orders and, more important, it affords a level of protection for members who I would say 99.99% of the time act in good faith but, notwithstanding all that, may find themselves in a situation which, in some cases, they were unaware of or in some cases over which they had no control. The code of conduct that we are considering here today is an important new benchmark, not only for members but for the public.
Il est important de noter que les principes, que j'ai énoncés plus tôt, constituent le fondement du code de déontologie, mais ce code, en raison même de son intégration au Règlement, énonce des règles précises et, plus important encore, garantit un niveau de protection aux députés qui, selon moi, dans 99,99 p. 100 des cas agissent de bonne foi.