With regard to the remark by my colleague over here, Mr. Dewar, I think we all would like to see a nuclear-weapons-free world, but in saying that, what happened with Mr. Khan.Realistically, given the situation we're in right now in the world, the efforts to move towards an agreement in 2012, 2014.Do we really think that anything we do right now moving in this direction would deter states with the mentality of a Mr. Khan, or states like Iran and Syria, which are building capabilities right now that could cause a disaster before we could blink?
À propos de ce qu'a dit mon collègue, M. Dewar, je pense que nous souhaiterions tous un monde sans armes nucléaires, mais cela dit, ce qui s'est passé dans le cas de M. Khan. Pour être réaliste, étant donné la situation actuelle dans le monde, les efforts visant à conclure une entente en 2012, 2014.