61. In light of article 44, paragraph 6, of the Convention, the Committee recommends that the second periodic report and the written replies submitted by the State party be made widely available to the public at large and that the publication of the report be considered, along with the relevant summary records and the concluding observations adopted by the Committee. Such a document should be widely distributed in order to generate debate and awareness of the Convention and its implementation and monitoring within all levels of administration of the State party and the general public, including concerned non-governmental organizations.
61. À la lumière du paragraphe 6 de l’article 44 de la Convention, le Comité recommande à l’État partie d’assurer une large diffusion de son deuxième rapport périodique et de ses réponses écrites et d’envisager de publier le rapport ainsi que les comptes rendus analytiques des séances consacrées à son examen et les observations finales adoptées par