2. 61. Considers it particularly important, in this context, to (i) develop a strong new Eastern dimension to neighbourhood policy and continue to send positive signals to Ukraine and other sta
tes as they develop stronger, functioning democracies; and (ii) to strengthen and deepen the existing Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and associated policies and, in particular, give new impetus to the Barcelona Process in the framework of the 10th anniversary of
the Conference this year, and therefore analyse and, possibly, proceed with some revis
...[+++]ion of this process to ensure better efficiency of the system; (b) de renforcer et d'approfondir le dialogue euro-méditerranéen et les politiques afférentes, et de relancer en particulier le processus de Barcelone à l'occasion du 10 anniversaire de la Conférence, qui sera célébré cette année; il conviendra pour ce faire d'analyser et, le cas échéant, de réviser ce processus pour en améliorer l'efficacité;