There have been attempts to resolve the situation for these 200 drivers, but unfortunately there has not been much success. I really strongly feel, as I'm sure many of you will agree, that in light of the circumstances surrounding the lockout, in light of the terms and conditions that are being imposed by the employer who has received the licences from the GTAA, that we as parliamentarians, and especially the transport committee, have
a responsibility to study exactly what's going on, just to b
asically be able to shed some light, and hop ...[+++]efully the result will be a positive outcome.
Compte tenu des circonstances entourant ce lock-out et des conditions imposées par l'employeur, titulaire de permis de la GTAA, je suis persuadée, comme bon nombre d'entre vous, qu'il est de notre devoir de parlementaires et, surtout, de membres du Comité des transports d'examiner cette affaire pour faire la lumière sur ce qui se passe afin, espérons-le, d'en arriver à un dénouement heureux.