Given that the EBRD has decided in principle to provide USD 640 for the completion of the nuclear reactors, Khmelnitsky Unit 2 and Rivne Unit 4 in the Ukraine (known as k2/r4) under the MOU between Ukraine and the G7, subject to acceptance by Ukraine, will the Commission now consult Parliament on the Euratom loan intended to accompany the EBRD loan, given that the guarantee fund for that loan is financed from the EU budget, for which Parliament is responsible with Council?
La Commission va-t-elle maintenant consulter le Parlement sur le prêt Euratom qui doit accompagner le prêt BERD, dès lors que le Fonds de garantie y afférent est financé sur le budget de l’UE dont la responsabilité incombe à la fois au Parlement et au Conseil ?