C. whereas the Court of Auditors, in its report on the Centre's annual accounts for the financial year 2011, qualified its opinion with regard to irregularities in the management of one framework contract concluded in 2009 due to the fact that the Centre subsequently amended the contract, which led to payments above the set ceiling which were considered irregular and their amount exceeded the materiality threshold,
C. considérant que la Cour des comptes, dans son rapport sur les comptes annuels du Centre pour l'exercice 2011, a assorti son avis d'une réserve concernant des irrégularités affectant la gestion d'un contrat-cadre conclu en 2009, que le Centre a ensuite modifié, ce qui a entraîné des paiements dépassant le plafond fixé, qui ont été jugés irréguliers et dont le montant excédait le seuil d'importance relative;