It's a coali
tion that's been in existence for approximately two years. Our members in
clude organizations such as the National Farmers Union, Canadian Organic Growers, Union Paysanne, Canadian Labour Congress, a va
riety of provincial organizations such as the Society for Environmentally Responsible Livestock Operati
ons of Alberta, and local organizations that ...[+++]have been dealing with issues coming out of intensive livestock operations being proposed or developed in their areas.
Nos membres comprennent des organisations telles que le Syndicat national des cultivateurs, Canadian Organic Growers, l'Union Paysanne, le Congrès du travail du Canada, des organisations provinciales, comme la Society for Environmentally Responsible Livestock Operations of Alberta, et des organisations locales qui ont été créées en réaction à des projets d'élevage intensif de bétail envisagés dans leur région.