having regard to the Joint Statements of the Fifth EU-Mexico Summit (16 May 2010), the Fourth EU-MERCOSUR Summit (17 May 2010), the Fourth EU-Chile Summit (17 May 2010), the Fourth EU-CARIFORUM Summit (17 May 2010), the Fourth EU-Central America Summit (19 May 2010) and the EU-Andean Community Summit (19 May 2010),
vu les communiqués conjoints du Ve Sommet UE-Mexique (16 mai 2010), du IVe Sommet UE-MERCOSUR (17 mai 2010), du IVe Sommet UE-Chili (17 mai 2010), du IVe Sommet UE-CARIFORUM (17 mai 2010), du IVe Sommet UE-Amérique centrale (19 mai 2010) et du Sommet UE-Communauté andine (19 mai 2010),