However, if their sacrifices, should there be any, are not to be in vain, we, for our part, must do everything in our power to ensure that this world is less unfair, that it is a place where there can truly be conditions conducive to the development of democracy and of equal rights for women, to children's education and health. I do not think that it was mere coincidence that the first countries to stand side by side with the United States were Great Britain, with its labour, social democrat government, and France, another social democrat government, which also has a long tradition of defending rights and freedoms, and whose prime minister and president said that there was no question of supporting anything but this campaign targeting Afgha
Ce n'est pas pour rien, je crois, que les premiers pays à s'engager aux côtés des États-Unis ont été, d'une part, la Grande-Bretagne, travailliste, social-démocrate et la France, social-démocrate, qui a aussi une longue tradition de défense des droits et libertés, où le premier ministre et le président ont dit qu'il n'était pas question d'un appui pour autre chose que cette campagne ciblée en Afghanistan, et il y a aussi l'Allemagne, social-démocrate.