Ninety-seven years later, the Armenian people continue to fight on two fronts: they are fighting for their rebirth and for the full recognition of this crime. They are fighting for recognition by keeping their language and traditions alive, by establishing and developing vibrant communities throughout the world. And they are fighting for the renaissance of the young Republic of Armenia which, since 1991, has taken its place in the international community.
Quatre-vingt-dix-sept ans plus tard, le peuple arménien poursuit son combat sur deux fronts, soit ceux de la renaissance et de la pleine reconnaissance de ce crime; la reconnaissance par le maintien de sa langue et de ses traditions, l’établissement et l’épanouissement de communautés vibrantes partout dans le monde, et la renaissance grâce à la jeune République d’Arménie qui, depuis 1991, prend sa place au sein du concert des nations.