Far from identifying with the champions of their own countries in the world-wide economic war, the different people involved were together censuring the capitalism of the multinationals, the relentless quest for profits, treating the natural world as a commodity, going as far
as to patent living things, the levelling of cultures, the entrenchment of inequalities practically everywhere, especially between the North and South. Their
ambition was quite simply to make the modern world more civilised ...[+++], to make globalisation more human.
Loin de s’identifier aux champions de leurs propres pays dans la guerre économique planétaire, les uns et les autres fustigeaient ensemble le capitalisme des multinationales, la rentabilité forcenée, la marchandisation de la nature jusqu’au brevetage du vivant, le nivellement des cultures, le creusement des inégalités pratiquement partout et notamment entre le Nord et le Sud. Ils aspiraient tout simplement à civiliser le monde moderne, à humaniser la mondialisation.