The group will be chaired by Mr Willy De Clercq, former member of the Commission and Chairman of the European Parliament's Committee on External Economic Relations, and will consist of: - Mr Ronald Beatson, Director-General of the European Association of Advertising Agencies (EAAA), Brussels, - Mr Julian Bravo, Ch
airman of J. Walter Thompson, Madrid, - Miss Colette Flesch, Director-General for the Audiovisual Media, Information, Communication and Culture at the Commission, - Mr Sergio Guccione, Director-General for Information and Public Relations at the European Parliament, - Mr Jacques Pilhan, Deputy Director-General of Havas SA, Paris
...[+++], - Mr Mark Wössner, Chairman of the Board of Bertelsmann AG, Gütersloh.
Le groupe se compose de : - M. Ronald BEATSON, Directeur général de l'European Association of Advertising Agencies (EAAA), Bruxelles - M. Julian BRAVO, Président de J. Walter Thompson, Madrid - Madame Colette FLESCH, Directeur général de l'Audiovisuel, Information, Communication, Culture de la Commission - M. Sergio GUCCIONE, Directeur général de l'Information et des Relations publiques du Parlement européen - M. Jacques PILHAN, Directeur général adjoint de Havas S.A., Paris - M. Mark WÖSSNER, Président du Conseil d'Administration de Bertelsmann AG, Gütersloh.