Many individuals who appeared as members of responsible firearms groups o
r gun owners groups offered advice on accounting principles even though they had no bac
kground in it. They would offer advice on certain belief systems that bordered on religions (1710) As a
result I suggest to those here and those watching that it is necessary to weigh the probative value of the evidence of an expert, for example in business administration, w
...[+++]ho because he has a doctorate in business administration transfers his advice to the National Rifle Association and the Fraser Institute, all the time posing as a criminologist.
Ils nous offraient des conseils basés sur certaines croyances qui relevaient presque de la religion (1710) De ce fait, je voudrais dire à ceux qui sont ici et à ceux qui nous regardent, qu'il est nécessaire de peser la valeur probante du témoignage d'un expert, en administration par exemple, qui, parce qu'il a un doctorat en administration, vient fournir des conseils à la National Rifle Association ou à l'Institut Fraser, tout en se prétendant criminologue.