Whereas Community legislation as it stands at present provides that, notwithstanding one of the fundamental rules of the Community, namely the free movement of goods, barriers to intra-Community trade resulting from disparities in national laws on the ma
rketing of products have to be ac
cepted in so far as those provisions may be recognized as necessary to satisfy essential requirements; whereas the harmonization of laws in the case in point must therefore b
e confined to those provisions needed to ...[+++] comply with the protection requirements relating to electromagnetic compatibility; whereas these requirements must replace the corresponding national provisions;
considérant que, dans son état actuel, le droit communautaire prévoit que, par dérogation à l'une des règles fondamentales de la Communauté que constitue la libre circulation des marchandises, les obstacles à la circulation intracommunautaire, résultant de disparités des dispositions nationales relatives à la commercialisation des produits, doivent être acceptés dans la mesure où ces