Recourse to independent persons established in the host Member State: On the strength of the Court's case law, the Commission considers that, in order for an insurer to be covered by the rules governing the right of establishment rather than those applicable to the freedom to provide services, the independent person must meet the following three cumulative conditions:- he must be subject to the direction and control of the insurer he represents; - he must be able to commit the insurer; - he must have received a permanent brief.
recours à des personnes indépendantes établies dans l'État membre d'accueil. Suite à la jurisprudence de la Cour, la Commission considère que, pour pouvoir soumettre l'entreprise d'assurances au régime du droit d'établissement au lieu de celui de la libre prestation de services, il faut que la personne indépendante remplisse de manière cumulative les trois conditions suivantes: